Well, good day all you beautiful people! I have been busy working on my website which is now up. If you are interested in a reading or healing from me, check it out! =>
I had an interesting experience yesterday and wanted to share. Firstly, I had listened to an hour long webinar that morning where a well known medium spoke. He did an opening and closing meditation and spoke about what to do to open your medium abilities and such. Now, I know I am a medium. I just have not practiced very much and know it is one of my abilities I need to help expand and understand further.
I was in my kitchen refilling my glass with ice. As I was putting ice in my glass, I saw a spirit walk through my sliding glass back door. I paused and opened myself. She was a cute little old lady. I would estimate she was somewhere between 80-95 years old. She was wearing a light pink, almost tan, skirt that was just below her knees, a button up blouse, a pearl necklace and earrings, tan shiny high heels, pantyhose, and she was wearing pink framed round glasses and carrying a purse that matched her shoes. Her hair was all white and cut short, curled neatly and tightly to her head. Her face was sweet and she had a peaceful essence.
I said, "Hello."
She responded, "Hello dear."
I then asked, "Why are you here?"
She slowly walked closer to me and she seemed rather sheepish (like when a stranger approaches you in a public place to ask directions), "Excuse me, I hope I'm not intruding but it felt safe here."
Upon hearing her words, I couldn't help but smile and felt loving warmth in my heart. When I started to accept my gifts and knew I wanted to help people and spirits especially, I wanted to make my home a safe haven for spirits who were stuck here, or who needed my help. I wanted them to have somewhere safe, warm, and loving to hang out at until I had learned how to help them. I of course have set rules for the spirits if they want to stay here in my home, but when I started seeing and sensing all the lost souls around, my heart broke for them. This sweet old lady confirmed that I have established a temporary safe haven for spirits where they can feel love and safe until I can help them.
I asked her, "What's your name?"
She said, "Pearle."
I said, "I'm Darci. Nice to meet you Pearle."
She smiled at me.
I asked my next question, "How long have you been here?"
She took a few steps even closer to me before saying, "Oh, not long. I just arrived."
I was actually very surprised by this. I had expected her to have been around for quite a while because I know there are a lot of spirits in my home waiting for my help. I have not helped them yet because there is a Shamanic class I have been trying to save up to take that teaches how to help lost souls. It is quite expensive so it is taking me a long time to save up for it.
I felt my intuition guiding me to keep talking with her, so I did. I asked another question, "What do you want?"
She smiled warmly and folded her hands in front of her tummy, "I want to cross over into the light."
Now, I have never helped a spirit cross over before. I have heard and seen how others do it, but I felt a strong sense that I needed to learn the shamanic way to do it. I felt strongly that the shamanic way for it should be the only way I do it. However, I felt peaceful and calm and my intuition was telling me to try.
So, first I sent her a wave of green light, of love to test and see if she was a loving spirit. When the wave hit her, she closed her eyes peacefully and reciprocated the love. This confirmed that she meant me no harm and was not trying to trick me.
My intuition continued to guide me, and I felt like I should ask her to meld with me ( a method I learned in the webinar I listened to that morning). I invited her to meld her mind with my mind and to channel through me. Well, she did. I started seeing flashes of her life. I saw it like an old black and white movie with faded colors. I saw her as a young beautiful woman in some sort of uniform. I saw her dancing a lot at parties or events with girlfriends and occasionally a good looking man. The men were in Navy uniforms. I saw her wearing a poodle skirt and 50's outfit doing the Twist dance. I also saw her in a very nice skirt suit and working in an office. I saw her riding in an old large car, like a Cadillac or possibly a Rolls Royce. She was older in the car, wrinkles on her face. An old man was driving them up the coast of California. They were holding hands on the seat. The flashes were very fast and brief. I felt her emotions. She felt like she had lived a colorful, vibrant, fulfilling life. She felt so peaceful. Once the flashes stopped, I looked at her and smiled.
I said, "I have never helped a spirit cross over into the light before, but I am willing to try if that is what you want."
She nodded and said, "Yes, please."
I called upon my guides, angels and Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Gabriel to help me cross her over into the light. I drew down bright white light from Heavenly Father (or Source) onto me and her. I channeled the light through my heart chakra out my palms to her. I completely filled and surrounded her with light. A large beam of white light that looked like a worm hole flowed down onto her. She was smiling and touched the light with her hands. The light sparkled and I felt so much love around the whole room. I saw a door open on the wall, bright white light shining through it. Jesus stepped through the door and walked over to Pearle with open arms. Her eyes slightly teared up as she saw him and she took his hand. Holding hands, Jesus led her up the white light tunnel going up. They disappeared into the sky with the light and they were gone. The door Jesus had come through shut and the light disappeared. I felt peaceful and filled with love. I had just helped cross over a spirit into the light for the very first time. It felt so natural and beautiful.
I will never forget that experience. I still want to take the Shamanic class for crossing spirits over, but now I know I don't need it to actually help spirits. Now, I need to pick an article of clothing, or piece of jewelry to wear when I am "working" so spirits will know when I am available to help them. I don't want them pestering me when I am doing other things. I have heard this is a good way to manage that. I am grateful I have the ability to help spirits. I love helping people, but I love helping spirits more. I don't know why. Maybe it is because fewer people can help them then people who can help other people. Maybe it is just because it is part of my soul purpose. Whatever the reason, I will keep doing so and helping all to the best of my ability.
Pearle, I hope you are happy and feel so much love where you are now. I wish you the best as you continue your journey.
Love, Light, Peace
Bear Raven