Thursday, August 6, 2015

I'm Back!

After a long break, too long, I am back into doing my spiritual work regularly. This is not the first time I had taken a break. Sometimes life just kicks me in the gut and I need to take a step back. This is a normal cycle for me, and I have noticed it is normal for many other spiritualists as well. My breaks tend to be longer than I'd like. So, I am trying to heal and improve myself. Improving yourself is always constant work.

I am very grateful for the patience of my spirit guides, angels, friends, family, and clients. Without all of your support, I would not be where I am today. Gratitude is such an important part of being connected to the divine and to being healthy. Even gratitude of the smallest thing daily can shift your energies.

I have set a new goal for myself to do at least one spiritual work related thing a day. I just started this on Monday, but I can already feel a major shift occurring within myself. Advice my guides have given me in the past that I have ignored, I am now embracing. I am doing self healing that has been recommended to me by my guides and other spiritualists. If I don't continue to improve myself and my connection to God and the Universe, how can I fulfill my divine purpose? I know I will get there with love and patience. These are the two most important tools when working with yourself.

Anyway, I wanted to share my new sense of direction and also let all of you beautiful souls know I am actively doing spiritual work and am available. If you feel drawn to me for divine guidance, messages, or healing please contact me. I am working for donations at this time. I feel helping people is more important than me earning money. However, I do have bills to pay just like everyone else. If I was able to work for free, I would. All I ask for is some energy in exchange for the energy and time I devote to you, and money is a form of energy.

I wish you all a beautiful week full of love and light.

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