Monday, November 9, 2015

Journey With Sekhmet

Today I have an appointment to do a reading for a very close friend of mine. Sometimes I do a shamanic journey ahead of time to be prepared for readings. I felt the need to journey today and I had a very interesting experience. I am sharing that journey with you all. I left out the messages for my friend as those are personal and for her only. 

I began my journey the same way I always do, by shielding and calling my guides to me. My eagle flew down and landed on my shoulder. A woman in white with blonde hair approached me. I did my test on her to confirm she is a divine being of light. I started dancing in a circle channeling pure pink loving light out of my hands to her. The pink light engulfed her and her flesh vaporized away leaving a black skeleton behind. This confirmed for me that she was an imposter and I let the light take her away. I kept dancing in a circle spreading the light as a protective circle around me. A dark skinned woman with a very strong stance stepped through the circle and walked up to me. She was wearing robe-like-clothing colored in red, purple, black, orange, with blue ornamental beads. She carried a tall staff. I immediately recognized her energy as Sekhmet. She passed my test to make sure she was who she was appearing as. She took my hand and placed it on her shoulder. Then she turned around and slowly started walking, leading me. She led me to the upper world through space. She took me to an ocean blue planet that looked to be entirely covered in water. It was glowing, shimmering and very beautiful. We just floated there in space above the planet a moment. I think she was letting me see it, so I could remember this planet. She took me to the planet's core in a great rush of energy where there was a giant chamber. Beings of light sat in a circle around the edge of the chamber. The floor was stone and the way they were seated around the chamber was like an amphitheater. They were bright light of all different colors. They were so bright I could not see facial details or the shapes of their bodies very well. A bright yellow being in the center approached me and began to speak. The being gave me personal messages for the person I was journeying about. The longer I was there, the more light headed and out of body I began to feel. Toward the end the beings voice became fainter, sounding like it was echoing. They said I had been there too long and the connection to my body was becoming to weak. They told me I needed to leave soon. I called out to Sekhmet and she took my hand but the feeling of being out of body grew more intense and I could no longer stand on my own. I asked Sekhmet to take me home and she picked me up in her arms and started running. I remember looking up at her face and could feel her fire. It felt like a lion galloping, carrying me gently. But I could feel her intensity and determination to return me safely. I saw the head of a lion over her human head, like an aura. It roared fiercely. She got me back quickly and safely.

I have journeyed to other planets before, but only a few times. I love journeying to space and meeting new beings in different planes. Most aliens I have communicated with and encountered are peaceful and loving beings. Most of them are trying to help us in one way or another. This was the first time Sekhmet led me in a journey. I have been calling on her and paying more homage to her lately. I feel that working with her at this time is pertinent to my development and growth. I absolutely love her so much. She has a powerful energy, but there is always love in her core. I intend to do more journeying more often. I have bounced back and forth in my spirit work and I know I must keep it a regular part of my life. I am working on that. That is what is so great about this kind of work, it is a constant work in progress on ourselves and the world.

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