Monday, November 9, 2015

Journey With Sekhmet

Today I have an appointment to do a reading for a very close friend of mine. Sometimes I do a shamanic journey ahead of time to be prepared for readings. I felt the need to journey today and I had a very interesting experience. I am sharing that journey with you all. I left out the messages for my friend as those are personal and for her only. 

I began my journey the same way I always do, by shielding and calling my guides to me. My eagle flew down and landed on my shoulder. A woman in white with blonde hair approached me. I did my test on her to confirm she is a divine being of light. I started dancing in a circle channeling pure pink loving light out of my hands to her. The pink light engulfed her and her flesh vaporized away leaving a black skeleton behind. This confirmed for me that she was an imposter and I let the light take her away. I kept dancing in a circle spreading the light as a protective circle around me. A dark skinned woman with a very strong stance stepped through the circle and walked up to me. She was wearing robe-like-clothing colored in red, purple, black, orange, with blue ornamental beads. She carried a tall staff. I immediately recognized her energy as Sekhmet. She passed my test to make sure she was who she was appearing as. She took my hand and placed it on her shoulder. Then she turned around and slowly started walking, leading me. She led me to the upper world through space. She took me to an ocean blue planet that looked to be entirely covered in water. It was glowing, shimmering and very beautiful. We just floated there in space above the planet a moment. I think she was letting me see it, so I could remember this planet. She took me to the planet's core in a great rush of energy where there was a giant chamber. Beings of light sat in a circle around the edge of the chamber. The floor was stone and the way they were seated around the chamber was like an amphitheater. They were bright light of all different colors. They were so bright I could not see facial details or the shapes of their bodies very well. A bright yellow being in the center approached me and began to speak. The being gave me personal messages for the person I was journeying about. The longer I was there, the more light headed and out of body I began to feel. Toward the end the beings voice became fainter, sounding like it was echoing. They said I had been there too long and the connection to my body was becoming to weak. They told me I needed to leave soon. I called out to Sekhmet and she took my hand but the feeling of being out of body grew more intense and I could no longer stand on my own. I asked Sekhmet to take me home and she picked me up in her arms and started running. I remember looking up at her face and could feel her fire. It felt like a lion galloping, carrying me gently. But I could feel her intensity and determination to return me safely. I saw the head of a lion over her human head, like an aura. It roared fiercely. She got me back quickly and safely.

I have journeyed to other planets before, but only a few times. I love journeying to space and meeting new beings in different planes. Most aliens I have communicated with and encountered are peaceful and loving beings. Most of them are trying to help us in one way or another. This was the first time Sekhmet led me in a journey. I have been calling on her and paying more homage to her lately. I feel that working with her at this time is pertinent to my development and growth. I absolutely love her so much. She has a powerful energy, but there is always love in her core. I intend to do more journeying more often. I have bounced back and forth in my spirit work and I know I must keep it a regular part of my life. I am working on that. That is what is so great about this kind of work, it is a constant work in progress on ourselves and the world.

Monday, October 12, 2015

A Witch Spirit Guide

Good day all of you lovely souls. Lately I have been having strange experiences and seem to have been struggling more so than usual. I am used to struggling with depression in phases. It has always been a normal part of me and my life. But lately it has felt different, almost as if it is on a different frequency. A sense of hopelessness has been stronger, but my intuition has been kicking on a lot more and telling me to do certain things to overcome or heal it. I also have been having repeatedly stranger dreams than normal. I also wake up from some of these dreams with a sense that an intense healing or spiritual work occurred during my dream state. 

This morning when I woke up, the first thing that came to my groggy mind was that I needed to journey and meditate. I normally don't journey or meditate until I have fully woken up, which sometimes takes a couple hours. So, I made my cup of coffee and let the dog out. I put on drumming music and put on my headphones. I lied down, put on my blindfold and began my normal clearing and shielding process. My shaman stone spoke and wanted to be a part of it, so I placed it on my chest.

I ended up just enjoying the energy and talking with some of my guides. I saw one of my warrior guides that I had not spoken to in a long time. I gave flowing pink energy of pure love to my guides and thanked them for all that they do for me. I also hugged every single one of them. My healer guides were working on me throughout this. A woman in a white dress with very long blonde hair walked up to me and sat beside me. She looked familiar but I don't think I have encountered her before. She introduced herself as "Ifrit" or "Ifruit." I could not get a clear spelling of the name, but she said after I research her name it will make sense to me. It feels that her name is very important. I thought it was Nordic, but I am not sure. She was very calming and loving. She told me she is my witch guide. She said I am coming along in reconnecting with that part of me. Now, a little background, witchcraft is still new to me. I received many messages over the past few years to connect to the divine feminine and work with the moon. It is only this year I came to realize that those messages meant learning about being a witch. 

I asked some questions that I have been meaning to ask my guides lately. She responded with that what I am going through right now is pain from my memories. She said that I am remembering memories and knowledge from some of my past lives. She said that is why I am waking up from strange dreams with knowledge I did not have before. This was spot on because I have woken up lately and gone straight to writing because words of chants and rituals were fresh in my mind that I never knew before. She said that with remembering this knowledge, I am also remembering the pain from those lives. She then showed me how some pains in life go straight into our souls and remain there, as a memory in our soul. She said it is pertinent I let these memories and memories of pain resurface for healing. She said a lot is coming to the surface right now for healing, not just from this life but from others as well. She impressed upon me that the most important thing I do at this time is heal myself, and do a lot of it. So, not only must I work on healing past pains from this life, but past pains from more than one other past life as well. 

This makes so much sense to me at this time. It coordinates with everything I have been feeling and experiencing. I want to be the best healer that I can be, and in order to do that I must continue healing myself. I have always known this. I accepted at the beginning of my awakening that self-healing is a constant process. It is a continuous part of our journey. Even if we heal everything from our past, new things will come into our lives or resurface that needs to be healed. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Energy Storm ~ Don't Feel Hopeless

Lately there has been a heavy energy storm. A lot of people I know have been and are affected. It started before the blood moon. I think it is connected to the current retrogrades and the blood moon that occurred. If you have been feeling depressed, lazy, unmotivated, drained, lethargic, nauseous, stomach pains, headaches, weak, hopeless, or not feeling anything at all (bad or good emotions, just numb) then you may be affected too. I first noticed something was off when I learned there was going to be a super blood moon. Normally this kind of thing would excite me, and I would make plans to view and enjoy the energy. However, I just didn't care. I didn't even go outside once that night. Even seeing pictures of the blood moon, I just felt like "so what?" That is when I realized I hadn't been feeling anything energy-wise for a while. This was odd, because I'm normally super sensitive to energies. 

I didn't think too much about it. I figured I must just be going through another rest phase, which happens to me quite often. Then last week I had a horrible lucid dream that was like living in a horror movie. Once I had fully woken from it, I felt unnatural energy in my bedroom. I was incredibly uncomfortable and had goosebumps. I knew I had been under attack. This was the eye opener I needed. I knew something was amiss and started praying and asking for help from God, Goddess, my angels, and guides. It has been a week, but the past few days I felt I had been getting messages from the divine white beings of light.

Last night, I was inspired to take two of my crystals to bed with me and place them on the windowsill that lies directly above my pillow. So, I placed my rhodonite and peacock pyrite there with my other crystals I leave there from time to time. I slept heavily and deeply. This morning I woke up feeling healed, energized, and reconnected to divine in full. As soon as I started opening my eyes I felt instantly motivated to write and create my own spell today, my first spell for my book of shadows (which I have not created yet). I thought this was interesting because while I was falling asleep I was asking for guidance and help to clear and heal this heavy energy affecting everyone. Even as I started to lose myself to sleep's embrace, I thought I should do a ritual for the whole world dealing with this.

It is amazing, even when the darkness is launching a full-frontal worldwide attack, divine love and light still fights the good fight. So, if you have been suffering during this energy storm, do not give up. Do not think anything is wrong with you. There is still light at the end of tunnel. There is always hope, always. Once I have written and created the spell, I will perform it, the ritual and share it with you all. Sending love, light, and hope to all of you at this time.


Bear Raven

Thursday, August 6, 2015

I'm Back!

After a long break, too long, I am back into doing my spiritual work regularly. This is not the first time I had taken a break. Sometimes life just kicks me in the gut and I need to take a step back. This is a normal cycle for me, and I have noticed it is normal for many other spiritualists as well. My breaks tend to be longer than I'd like. So, I am trying to heal and improve myself. Improving yourself is always constant work.

I am very grateful for the patience of my spirit guides, angels, friends, family, and clients. Without all of your support, I would not be where I am today. Gratitude is such an important part of being connected to the divine and to being healthy. Even gratitude of the smallest thing daily can shift your energies.

I have set a new goal for myself to do at least one spiritual work related thing a day. I just started this on Monday, but I can already feel a major shift occurring within myself. Advice my guides have given me in the past that I have ignored, I am now embracing. I am doing self healing that has been recommended to me by my guides and other spiritualists. If I don't continue to improve myself and my connection to God and the Universe, how can I fulfill my divine purpose? I know I will get there with love and patience. These are the two most important tools when working with yourself.

Anyway, I wanted to share my new sense of direction and also let all of you beautiful souls know I am actively doing spiritual work and am available. If you feel drawn to me for divine guidance, messages, or healing please contact me. I am working for donations at this time. I feel helping people is more important than me earning money. However, I do have bills to pay just like everyone else. If I was able to work for free, I would. All I ask for is some energy in exchange for the energy and time I devote to you, and money is a form of energy.

I wish you all a beautiful week full of love and light.