Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 1, 2013 - Day 5 Reiki Healing & Forgiveness

Crystals used – Selenite (prayer), Calcite (nearby), Apophyllite (third eye)

Today the reiki was bright white.  I also sent purple light for protection, and pink light for love.  I saw white and golden hearts the size of basketballs flowing from me to him and his wife.  I felt very calm and was in a dream like state.  I handed him a yellow rose.  Then I handed him a violet parakeet.  At this time my hands started to tingle a lot.  It was the strongest tingling I have felt while channeling reiki so far. I saw a giant butterfly come flying down and land beside me.  I was standing in a clearing.  One of its large eyes watched me.  It felt old, wise, loving.  Its body was covered in long fur that was soft to my touch.  I asked if it was one of my guides.  Its eye just watched me and it remained silent, but I felt like it was thinking, “you already know, you don’t need to ask.”  I felt it wanting me to climb on its back.  I think there might have even been a saddle and/ or leather reins.  I wanted to get on him, but I wanted to focus on channeling the reiki, so I didn’t.  Then he and his wife were standing in a shallow river with me, bare foot.  I put my hands in the water, white reiki energy swirling from them.  I filled an abalone shell with the reiki charged water and handed it to him.  He drank from it, then he handed it to his wife, and she drank.  They were smiling. Then I saw him look right at me, and I felt he knew I was sending him energy.  He said thank you.  This surprised me a little, but his crown and third eye chakra were very bright.  So, part of me is not surprised at all.  I feel like I might have messed the session up, because I felt rushed and so was waiting for it to end.  I saw my reiki guide bring her hands down on top of mine, but it didn’t feel like the session was done.  I saw her do it again and so I used my calcite pendulum and asked her if I had sent enough today.  I got a no.  I continued to channel more reiki, focusing more on channeling it to him and his wife.  I put my hands on his shoulders and focused, letting the white light fill and surround him.  After a few minutes (I’m estimating), I felt the energy change on my hands, like they got colder or the sensation I was feeling stopped.  I asked my reiki guide through my pendulum again if I had sent enough reiki to them today.  This time I got a yes.  I blessed and sealed the session.  I feel like because I was rushed, I imagined seeing my guide put her hands down on top of mine, or I feel she is trying to teach me to feel for myself when a reiki session is done, with my hands.  This session was approximately 23 minutes.

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