Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 26, 2013 - Day 30 Reiki Healing & Forgiveness

Crystals used – none

Today I started the reiki session and closed my eyes.  I did not feel the reiki energy flow start. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw my main reiki guide.  She put a hand on my hands and pushed them down gently.  She shook her head and told me I did not need to send the reiki.  I asked her if it was complete then.  She nodded again and said yes.  She smiled at me then faded away.  So, my assignment is completely done.  I felt that it had been complete a few days ago.  I wanted to be sure though, and my guide gave me that confirmation today.  I feel more complete myself, healed.  I feel as though something inside me has shifted and I feel more at peace.  I am very grateful to my Higher Self for asking me to do this forgiveness healing.  I needed to do this for myself.  No one else could have done it for me.  I know I have a great deal many other things that I need to heal within myself.  Everything must be done one step at a time.  Looking back at the past year, I have truly grown by leaps and bounds.  Looking at myself over the past month, I have grown more than in the last six months.  However, I still feel I have a long ways to go.  This does not surprise me though as growth is eternal.  There is no end to how much a person can grow.  This last week of the forgiveness and healing was the most challenging and difficult.  It almost seemed like a part of me did not want to let the remaining pain go.  A part of me wanted to hold onto it because it was all I had left of him.  Now, I see the truth though.  I do truly love him, just as I love everyone in the universe; and even though I had heard the saying that if you truly love someone, you let them go, I did not fully understand that statement before now.  I get it now.  I did let him go, and I let him go with peace, love and light.  A heavy burden has been lifted from my shoulders and I am a lighter person. 

I hope that by sharing this experience with you all, that it will help others too.  I believe we can all learn and help each other.  I am truly surprised at how much this blog has been viewed.  Thank you all my readers for reading and supporting me.  I want to continue to share my experiences with you all, and hope I can help others grow too. 

Love Light Peace
Bear Raven

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