Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19, 2013 - Day 23 Reiki Healing & Forgiveness

Crystals used – Shiva Lingham (prayer & nearby), Crazy lace agate (nearby), Carnelian (nearby), Ametrine (nearby), Sardonyx (nearby), Apophyllite (wearing around neck)

I feel very light headed today.  I used the sardonyx for my grounding and shielding meditation and it made me light headed.  The reiki continued to make me light headed.  This is normal when reaching higher vibrations.  When I started to channel the reiki I saw an instant huge beam of light running through me.  I saw him and his wife kneeling and I placed one hand on his shoulder and one on hers.  The bright light flowed into them immediately.  I felt the energy very strongly.  I grew tired quickly as well.  I saw them dancing.  He was in a tux and she was in a wedding dress but it had black roses all over it.  They were very stern and serious looking. Small threads of light were dancing around them and through them. They started to smile and he picked her up in his arms.  As he did so, the threads of light wove through her dress and the black roses started to turn to white roses.  Then I saw the ocean again.  This time they dove in the ocean, it was night, I saw the moon.  They sank to the very bottom of the ocean.  Their legs went into the sand at the bottom until they were waist deep in the sand.  I started to doze at this point and I saw other things but I can’t recall all of them.  I heard conversation and saw people inside a submarine, or other type of underwater vessel.  They were trying to solve some sort of problem.  I was there with them. It was like I was part of them.  I saw some other things that I can’t remember.  Then I saw him and her standing on the beach facing each other in the moonlight.  They had their hands up in front of them, palms out.  Their hands were touching, palm to palm.  A spark of light appeared between them around their stomachs.  It grew into a ball, and the ball grew into and orb until it engulfed them.  It grew so big and bright that all I saw eventually was this bright star.  Then I felt the energy shift and I knew the healing was complete for today.  Today’s session was about 8 minutes. 

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